Midwest Siamese
Cat Rescue
Founded in 2022, Building on the legacy of the Siamese Cat Rescue Center, MSCR seeks to rescue and re-home Siamese cats at risk in Indiana and surrounding states.

About Us
MSCR is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization formed by a group of dedicated volunteers who love Siamese and work to rescue them from shelters or at risk situations.
Volunteer Opportunities
Midwest Siamese Cat Rescue is seeking volunteers to foster, transport, write grants and organize and hold fundraiser events.

Make a donation!
Donations are critical to the ongoing work of any rescue organization. To continue our goal of providing not only food and shelter for these abandoned cats, but necessary veterinarian care and medications, we must rely on donations. We appreciate any amount, whether a one-time donation or a monhly commitment. If you can be a regular donor for even a few dollars a month, we can maintain our ongoing work.
Siamese or related breed cats enrolled in our rescue program who are available for adoption to indoor only homes. Fully vetted.
(TRAP, NEUTER, RELEASE) Cats looking for homes Non-Siamese cats that have entered our care through TNR efforts that are social and ready for indoor placement. Many of these cats will be kittens who were young enough when trapped to be socialized. Fully vetted.
Special Needs
Cats with challenges, whether medical or behavorial, that preclude a routine adoptiion. Adoption scholarships provided. All Special Needs cats are fully vetted. All medical and behavorial issues fully disclosed and medical records available prior to adopton. Click Here
Cats looking for barn placement. Trapped cats who prefer an outdoor setting and are relatively independent. They are poorly socialized and not suitable for homes or families but will do well in a barn, shed, garage or other sheltered area, with constant availability of food and water. Spayed/Neutered, vaccinated and ear tipped.