Adoption Contract

Step 1: Fill Adoption Contract Form

You must complete every space of this Contract or it cannot be processed. It is important to read, initial and adhere to Take Home Instructions and Suggestions for your cat.

Step 1: Fill Adoption Contract Form

Step 2: Sign and Submit Adoption Contract Form

Sign and click Submit. Adopter’s copy of the Contract will be made available to you by the Foster at the time you pick up your cat.

Step 2: Sign and Submit Adoption Contract Form
Cat Adoption Contract * Important - Please Read

Step 1 of 2

You must complete every space of this Contract or it will not be accepted or processed. By signing this contract, the Undersigned understands and agrees to these statements: I acknowledge receipt of this cat(s) from Midwest Siamese Cat Rescue (MSCR) along with all medical records available for said cat(s), and here by release MSCR and its Officers, Directors and Volunteers from any liability for damage or injury hereafter caused by said animal. Once the cat(s) is adopted, if the care of the cat(s) does not fit the mutual agreement of quality of care, MSCR reserves the right to reclaim the cat(s). By the same token, if any Adopter is having difficulties of any sort with the cat(s), behavioral or situational, you agree to do your best to help find a solution. The Undersigned agrees to work with the Foster for MSCR to resolve such issues. If any adopter cannot keep the cat(s) for any reason and has tried the options and suggestions the Foster provides with no success, the cat(s) can be returned at any time. Undersigned Adopter agrees to return the cat(s), with all its medical records, at their own expense. The undersigned Adopters agree not to surrender the cat(s) to a shelter or rescue and not to sell, give away, rehome or transfer ownership of the cat(s) at any time. The undersigned adopter understands and agrees that the adoption application fee and cat adoption fee are nonrefundable. The undersigned Adopters agree to care for the cat(s) humanely, to keep indoors always, to never declaw, and to provide daily, quality canned food and dry kibble, water, shelter, companionship, and veterinary care for its lifetime. I have read and understand this Adoption Contract and agree to abide by all of its terms and conditions.